Special application fluid set for paint protection films (PPF)
With this set you get a price advantage of about 10%.
Stone chip protection installations require a special pre-cleaning. With the Ape Set-PPF II you have the best conditions to pre-clean the vehicles perfectly. The set includes the APE FoamPotion installation foam with the corresponding foam pump spray bottle EasyPump Foam and the APE ApplePotion with the corresponding pump spray bottle EasyPump.
Perfect pretreatment of stone chip protection films with Yellotools PPF fluids
This "magic liquid" allows the film to glide perfectly on the one hand and on the other hand to fix and adhere quickly on short pressure. We recommend our PPF squeegee APE Duo squeegees or one of our PPF Sandwiches!
The set includes
Product features
APE ApplePotion
- 1 liter canister (holds about 12 liters of application liquid!)
- completely biodegradable
- skin-friendly
- clinically tested
- pH-neutral
- we recommend approx. 50ml per 1 liter of water
APE FoamPotion
- 1 liter canister (holds about 12 liters of application foam!)
- completely biodegradable
- skin-compatible
- clinically tested
- ph-neutral